Why pottygirl?

My daughter calls me potty queen, as I have toilets on my mind at all times…… 🙂
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I am a German transplant who immigrated into this beautiful country in 1999. Growing up in Germany, conserving water, recycling (almost everything) and NOT wasting (energy, food, etc) was part of my daily life. After living here for a while, I was always troubled how hard it was to continue doing so. Finding a place to drop off used paint for example, is almost a major undertaking. No wonder that so much ends up in landfills. That being said, I was always torn between my beliefs and convenience.

 As the drought in Georgia worsened I realized that this is the time I can finally use all of my passion and previous experience and finally DO SOMETHING. My goal is to help Georgian’s understand the need to change daily habits with the result of environmentally friendly, responsible living.  ‘Going green’ not only saves natural resources and money, it also helps to live a happier, healthier lifestyle while teaching our kids to be responsible. While I want show how easy it is to change a few habits and ‘go green’, I currently focus on the extremely important goal of Water Conservation.   

An average person in the United States uses 125-150 gallons of water per day for cooking, washing, flushing, and watering; this is more than 40 percent over what is needed to accomplish these tasks.Indoors, 3/4 of all water is used in the bathroom. In the average home, the toilet accounts for 28% of water use.

A family of 4 can save up to 18099 gallons a year by replacing a 3.5 gpf (gallons per flush) toilet and up to 4629 gallons by replacing a modern 1.6 gpf toilet with a HET Dual flush model. Caroma’s Dual Flush toilets save even more water than the widely advertised low flow toilets.  On an assumption of 5 uses a day (4 liquid waste/1 solid waste), a Dual Flush toilet uses 4.8 gallons a day versus 6.4 in a low flow toilet. That is a savings of 1.6 gallons of drinking water per person per day. Not only do you conserve water, you also save money for water, sewer or septic systems.

If you’re interested in doing your part to start saving water, go to www.ecotransitions.com and check it out.

Thanks for now. Andrea

<a href=”http://www.linkedin.com/in/andreapaulinelli” ><img src=”http://www.linkedin.com/img/webpromo/btn_viewmy_160x33.gif” width=”160″ height=”33″ border=”0″ alt=”View Andrea Paulinelli’s profile on LinkedIn”></a>







13 Responses

  1. i like ur style andrea…

    lets live peacefuly with many plants and also every single part of living things…

    start it with litle aaction but impact globally…

    lets go green !!!!

  2. Hallo Andrea,
    eine tolle Seite hast Du da! Hab mich gerade festgelesen und viel dazugelernt 🙂
    Viele Grüße von Britt

  3. Hallo Andrea: schon geschrieben.
    Meine transplantiertes deutschen Freund stark gewachsen, da! Aber ich mub sie Herausforderung auf einer Idee; Ist es wirklich einfach zu andern einige Gewohnheiten? In meiner gegenwartigen Geisteshaltung: ich Finden Sie Komfort in alte Gewohnheiten.
    Bezug auf jmp

    • hello jmp,
      your german translation program has a lot of room for improvement. I can only guess what you were trying to say. Is it easy to change habits? I believe so, but I may be wrong. I always welcomed change and used it as a challenge to better myself.


  4. Hey Potty Girl,
    Just wanted to thank you for your comment on Bukisa article, titled, “Are you Ready for the US Water Shortage”. Feel free to post the article on your site. Just include the live links. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

  5. Just discovered your site. Love your passion and the info you provide. As a concerned planet dweller and sustainability officer for a state agency in NY that finances water infrastructure, I am also passionate about water conservation. At EFC, we have developed a website called Smart Water Use. I am looking forward to continually improving it. I believe we have very relevant and useful info on our site. Keep up the good work.

  6. So glad I found this site! My blog brought up one of your articles for recommended reading. I just wrote a product review on a drop in dual flush converter.

    Thanks for creating a useful blog!

  7. Love the blog!

    Also very passionate about eco-friendly practices, my company’s done some legacy rainwater harvesting projects that run rainwater, groundwater, condensate, greywater through toilets and irrigation systems.

    Currently, we’re engaged in higher research to design and implement systems specifically for cooling towers- so, using controls logic to literally control the water chemistry of such water sources for use in commercial/industrial buildings.

    It’s been truly remarkable to see how far the sustainable movement has come! It all starts with each of us on an individual level, working to make a global difference 🙂

    Feel free to email me if you’re interested in hearing anything else about our research, I’m always looking for like-minded individuals to review and offer opinions!

  8. Hi Andrea,

    It’s great to see the North Texas Municipal Water District sharing some useful water saving advice.

    We’ve been working on a ‘Water butt guide’ which I thought you and your readers might be interested in:


    You may also be interested in our post ‘Why you need a water butt’ here:


    All the best

  9. […] Check out  https://pottygirl.wordpress.com/about/ […]

  10. Hi Andrea!

    The more people we can get to using a low-flow showerhead the better it is for our planet. EcoFlow showerheads offer conservation without compromising performace.

    Waterpik is offering a super fun sweepstakes to win an EcoFlow Showerhead and $200 to Makeover your shower. We are performing the random draw 1x per week from now through September 8th. Everyone who enters will have 3 chances to win!


    Thank You and Best Regards,

    Patti Springer
    Social Media Associate
    Water Pik, Inc.
    Ph: 970-221-8708

  11. Hi Andrea,

    I love the concept for your blog! It’s amazing how much water you can save by swapping out old water-guzzlers and installing high-efficiency toilets.

    The Broward Water Partnership is one of the largest toilet rebate partnerships in South Florida. Beginning with 15 municipals, now at 17. And we’re continuing to grow.

    Reducing Broward County’s water use by 10 percent would save 30 million gallons of water per day over the next 20 years. We are spreading public awareness on the importance of saving water with toilet rebates and free incentives that are offered to eligible residents.

    Residents can visit http://www.ConservationPays.com and click on their city to see what’s available for them.

    Please consider blogging about this program to help us reach our water supply goal. Feel free to contact me for additional information as well.

    Thank you!
    Nicole Sawyer

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